I’ve had a similar idea about the “grabber” end on the gun barrel. The dial settings are fantastic, too!

Wishcraft Studio

I am making amends for my lack of posts with this little beauty that I finished just in time for my first sci-fi convention a couple of weeks ago.  I have a homemade pirate captain costume that I have been modifying for three years now, and this time I decided to try my hand at the steampunk theme.  (At this rate, next year I’ll be a ninja steampunk pirate captain, then a zombie ninja steampunk pirate captain, then…)

As always, spoilers…

edited8I had assembled a plastic Lindburg model Miquelet flintlock last Halloween for the costume but never got around to finishing it.  The prop had been hiding in the back of my closet, two feet long, stark white, and absurdly oversized for a 5’2” pirate such as myself  (I mean, Captain Delarosa of the Airship Delirium).  After a trip to the Scrap Exchange (or as a friend calls it, “The…

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